Race the Future

Race the Future is a game/public installation created for 72 Hour Interactions, the world championships of Gameful Architecture. The event was held in Witten Germany and was organized by 72 hour Urban Action, Invisible Playground and Urbane Künste Ruhr.
With an amazing team of architects, artists and game designers we designed, created and installed the project in 72 hours. The team consisted of:
Marcus Boinet (FR), Charlotte Thon (FR), Mariateresa Paolicelli (IT), Matteo Uguzzoni (IT), Augusto Pirovano (IT), Claudio Pesoli (IT), Anna Foresio (IT), Marie Sammet (DE), Jirka Wolff (DE), Angelika Weissheim (DE), Mathias Wunderlich (DE)
Our project was a two person narrative parkour race through the stages of a person’s life. One person raced from birth to death, while another raced backward through time from death to birth.
The stages of a person’s life ( child, teen, young adult, middle age, elderly) were represented as architectural forms (slide, stairs,desk,stage,park bench) and through a path of feet/hand markers that also mimicked the movement of each stage’s age.
Our goal was to invigorate a discarded public space that was dominated by a monument to 19th century nationalism. We worked with local residents to help design a space that was playful, spoke about time, and had social structures that could be used by a wide age range.
The project was awarded the jury prize.