Super Truffle Pigs Super Truffle Pigs is an award winning strategy game for 1-4 players with programmable movement, secret missions and super powered pigs. #frontpage
WurdWizard Spell words, cast spells, defeat monsters, save the kingdom !!! WurdWizard is an endless spelling game.
Mr Yums Inc. This installation embodies the internal logic of a video game through playful interactions with sculptural forms.
Code Indigo Code Indigo is an immersive theatre / game created in collaboration with Urban Games Factory that tells the story of an...
Race the Future Race the Future is an award-winning game/public art installation created for 72 Hour Interactions.
Field Day FIELD DAY was an exhibit of outdoor games for Artscape, the countries largest free art festival which takes place in...
Eat Yr Tears Eat Yr Tears is an experimental game/narrative that was designed around a small piece of music.
Robot Taco! Taco! Robot Taco! Taco! is action puzzle game about a robot with a detachable head and a love for tacos,