Student Work

Eat Yourself by Jason Gotlieb – MFAGD Thesis Adisor

Find Their Place in Space by Zach Combs, Kiera Boyle and Claire Reid – 3D Game Design

Do you think of you by Jacob Nemic – Interactive Arts Thesis

Escape from Trouter Space by Nikolai Reinke, Jaeho Lee, Sarah Puzio and Marina Guthman – 2D Game Design

Division by Nastia Garachtchenko – Game Play

Haexcape by Jaeho Lee, Jamie Park- Interactive Arts Thesis

Caffeine by Sluke Martin, Michael Shillingburg, Katie Salvi – Thesis Advisor

Whiteboard by Alan Doyle – Creative Coding

Buddy Up by Lci Iarocci, Yurie Murayama, Glo Wan – Interactive Arts Thesis

Wander by Ash Turner – Interactive Arts Thesis

Trojan Course by Marco Cortes and Kaley Blackwell – Game Design Thesis

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Fishtopolis by Michelle Pineda and Allison Whitney – Sponsored Project a game for CMTA to promote pitching skills.

CasketBall by Will Pyle – Interactive Arts Thesis

The Blue Room by Allison Whitney and Damon Stallman – VR/AR Game Design

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These Endings by Dylan Burrell – Independent Study in Unreal Engine

Sunset Surf by Christian_Herman, StephenGlatfelter, Stefan Vo, Ada Sangiovanni – 2D Narrative

G.U.F.M.E.F. by Katherine Souza, Viditiya Voleti, Jacob Nemic – Advanced Tabletop Game Design

Flight of the Rocking Chair by Michelle Shen -Senior Studio 1

Thunder Fury by Sam Hudgins – Advanced 2D Game Design

Untitled by Isabella Kuhn – Interactive Arts Thesis
